Category Archives: Miscellaneous

30 Practical Ways to Cut Expenses

The times are oh-so-bad and recession or depression or a slowdown (whatever you may call it) is upon us. Well, this world is all about survival of the money savers and so, save we must – here are 30 practical ways of cutting expenses and saving big: Continue reading

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How a Business Line of Credit Works

A business credit line is a very used borrowing tool in the businesses arena. It works as a credit card in several different ways. For instance, it does not have a set length or established monthly payments; your monthly payment depends on how much you have borrowed. Also, the rate that is charged is a variable interest rate based on economic market indicators. Continue reading

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Advantages of Term Life Insurance

Understanding the difference in life insurance policies can be difficult. You want to choose the right type of insurance, so you have to learn about the different types. Continue reading

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Payday Loan Bad Credit

Bad credit? Sure, we all run into some issues now and again. And we all make mistakes with our money – trust me, I've made some huge one. And my credit isn't that great… but getting a payday loan, bad credit or good, is easy. Continue reading

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A Professionals' Toolbox: Ohio Zip Code Map

An Ohio zip code map can be a useful tool for many different types of professionals. Each industry has it's own tips, tricks and tools of the trade, but not every one is as simple and inexpensive to use as a zip code map. Not only is a map cheap and easy to use for many professionals, but it's easily mobile as well. Continue reading

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Preparing Your CD or DVD Disc Master

Preparing your master to send to your vendor is the most important step on the process. A master that is prepared incorrectly can cause delays and playability issues. Correctly prepping the master eliminates any problems that might cause delays. It is crucially important that you test the master in several other players other than one the player it was created on. Continue reading

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Tips For Applying For a Car Loan With Bad Credit History

Bad credit car loans are for people looking for a car loan and having bad credit record. Are you suffering from bad credit problems? Bad credit is more common now-a-days. It is not as much dangerous as it sounds. With some efforts, you can definitely improve your credit score. Bad credit car loans are designed specifically for such people. Continue reading

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Car Loans Bad Credit

Bad credit car loans are for people looking for a car loan and having bad credit record. Are you suffering from bad credit problems? Bad credit is more common now-a-days. It is not as much dangerous as it sounds. With some efforts, you can definitely improve your credit score. Bad credit car loans are designed specifically for such people. Continue reading

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Personal Development: A Goal to Reach For!

In our world of time crunches, we manage to find time to notice our children's life patterns, the growing patterns of our plants and even the schedule and pattern of our next door neighbors, but we can not seem to find the time to notice our own personal patterns. Our personal development does not stop because we grow older. On the contrary, it should grow and expand as we become more wise. Continue reading

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Becoming the Real You: Aiming For Personal Development

In our world of time crunches, we manage to find time to notice our children's life patterns, the growing patterns of our plants and even the schedule and pattern of our next door neighbors, but we can not seem to find the time to notice our own personal patterns. Our personal development does not stop because we grow older. On the contrary, it should grow and expand as we become more wise. Continue reading

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