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Category Archives: Miscellaneous
How Debt Consolidation Can Get Debt Collectors To Stop Calling
Are your bills unpaid and piling up? You are probably getting plenty of annoying phone calls from creditors. It's bad enough to know you can't pay your bills, but even worse when the collection calls keep coming in. Is there any way to free yourself from the calls and get out from under the mound of debt? Continue reading
The Truth Behind Credit Cards
There are many things you should keep in mind when thinking about the different types of credit cards that are available to you. You should think about how you will use the credit card and why you need the card. You also should consider what the annual percentage rate (APR) and fees are, and if you plan to pay your debt each month or if you plan to keep a balance. Continue reading
Personal Injury Attorney: Bad Car Wreck
The statistics for auto accidents are staggering. It is estimated that each and every person will be involved in at least one auto accident in their lifetime. The injury that will be sustained from that accident is unknown. Continue reading
Can You Achieve A Bad Credit Repair In 24 Hours?
Is it possible to build a house in one day? Can your obtain a college degree overnight? Definitely not! It is the same with bad credit – it just cannot be rectified within 24 hours. It takes some time to repair credit that has an unflattering history, despite what those advertisements would have you believe. This article will provide you with some common sense tips on how to increase your credit score as quickly as practicable (but not overnight!). Continue reading
You Must Plan Well to Reduce Credit Card Debt
It is not a simple matter to reduce credit card debt. Why? Because it is to easy to use your credit card instead of using cash. Many people thus find themselves in a cycle of spending that doesn't seem to stop. Since many credit cards come with extremely high interest rates, such spending needs to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible. Continue reading
Your Bottom Line Will Benefit From Quality Office Equipment
You might not realize it now, but the equipment and furniture you put in your office can really impact the productivity of your workers. If you want your business to be successful, you must keep this in mind. Continue reading
The Secret Sauce in Writing an Effective Dispute Letter
A successful credit dispute letter can remove negative credit items from your credit report and increase your overall credit score quickly. In fact, when you talk to a credit counselor about boosting your credit scores, often the first thing he'll do is look over your report for things he can write a dispute letter about and get removed. This is the fastest, easiest, and most effective legal way to raise your credit score. Continue reading
Managing Financial Relationships
Each household will have different financial situations as the family unit within it moves through life. Families headed by married couples are barely in the majority of United States households. Unmarried couples, same-sex partners, or singles are the heads of more and more households that may either have children or be childless. These are some financial strategies that can work for each different type of household. Continue reading
Debt to Income Ratio: How To Calculate This Important Number
There are many factors that lenders consider when deciding whether or not to extend credit to someone applying for a loan. Credit score, down payment, and the purpose of the loan are all factors. There is one factor that is looked at probably more closely than any other though, and that is the debt to income ratio. This is the way that a lender determines how likely a consumer is to be able to make timely payments for the life of the loan. Understanding how the debt to income ratio is determined is the key to making sure that you're in a position to obtain credit in the future. Continue reading
Educate Hispanics about debt, so they can become wealthy
Do you want to know why so many Hispanics are in debt? I'll tell you, it's because nobody is out there helping them to make the right financial decision. Continue reading