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Category Archives: Miscellaneous
An Old Concept with a New Strategy
There are many different types of marketing for your website, but none work better than article marketing. Article marketing is a way that you can make information available to your visitors while giving them a reason to check out what you have to sell to them in terms of products or services. Article marketing is a great way to get targeted traffic to your website by drawing in potential customers that will be an asset to your website. Continue reading
What Are Guaranteed Payday Loans?
If a person needs cash quickly and won't be getting paid for another week or so, they may turn to a lender that offers payday loans. This type of loan is very short term in nature and can help you pay your bills and other expenses before your next payday. Continue reading
Debt Management 101
Does debt management mean digging yourself out of a hole? Definitely not. Debt management is something that all of us should do. It means budgeting ourselves so that we avoid taking on more debt than we can reasonably handle. Continue reading
Home Budget Planning: How To Avoid Credit Card Debt
Credit card debt is not something that is unavoidable, and despite it being the cause of over a million bankruptcies every year, it is something that can be successfully avoiding with some simply home budget planning on your behalf. This is because many apply for and obtain credit cards without fully understanding the contract. Moreover, people with credit cards go on to spend like crazy without keeping track of expenses, miss payments, and get the shock of their lives when they have to pay annual fees, and as a result their debt increases enormously. Continue reading
E-commerce: Increase Sales And Save Time And Money
The internet has revolutionized the way we do business. Before, to sell products, you needed to invest in a traditional store – with all the expense that involved – and only reach a limited number of customers. Now the playing field has been leveled and anyone can sell products to millions of people online. Here's a quick guide to how to use an ecommerce shopping cart to boost your online sales. Continue reading
Want To Know What Penny Stocks To Buy? Look Inside….
Penny stocks have been around for a long time – they've been part of American investment strategies since the 19th century. That's where these stocks were named, since the modern penny stock actually costs somewhere between a dime and five dollars, not a penny. Let's have a look at the risks you incur by investing in these stocks, as well as the ways they can help investors profit. Continue reading
More Tips on Selling a Rent to Own Home
Buying rent to own house is a very beneficial process for the individuals having restrictions on making down payments, limited earnings, and or poor credit scores. This process allows such individuals to purchase homes prior to the fixation of restrictions. Continue reading
The Banking Industry Tightens Up
It is no secret that the banking industry is clamming up in the soft economy we live in today. It's not hard for most Americans to point the finger at what or who is responsible for the shift in procedures and the banks willingness to do business with people and businesses. Today, we consumers and businesses encounter a mixed bag of reactions from the banking industry when going about our daily business; whether it's shopping new car rates or going through the mortgage application process, or even making a capital gains purchase for our business. In all these scenarios and numerous other ones, banks have changed the rules. Continue reading
Top Financial Mistakes Made by College Students
1. Blowing your school loan money Continue reading
Employment Agencies Domestic Helper Hong Kong: Get a Job Abroad
Today, it is necessary for workers finding jobs abroad to find the right employment agencies. Domestic helper Hong Kong for example, needs to be able to find trustworthy employers within the country. It is therefore necessary for them to seek assistance from a reputable employment company. Continue reading