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Author Archives: Elliott Roberts
The Methods to Making Money and Becoming Wealthy
We all want to have enough money to be happy from today until the day we leave this earth. Enough, is a carefully used word. For some people, enough is the amount of money it takes to just have what is needed, for others it means being wealthy and making a LOT of money. Continue reading
Becoming a Better You
Our happiness is supposed to come from within our own hearts, why then is that happiness so difficult to achieve? Self esteem and self worth are at the heart of the major problems with self happiness. As out greatest judges, we take apart our minds and our lives and we analyze everything we do. Once we have criticized ourselves to the point of no return, the obscured images we think we are, often become the reality. Continue reading
Personal Development: A Goal to Reach For!
In our world of time crunches, we manage to find time to notice our children's life patterns, the growing patterns of our plants and even the schedule and pattern of our next door neighbors, but we can not seem to find the time to notice our own personal patterns. Our personal development does not stop because we grow older. On the contrary, it should grow and expand as we become more wise. Continue reading
Becoming the Real You: Aiming For Personal Development
In our world of time crunches, we manage to find time to notice our children's life patterns, the growing patterns of our plants and even the schedule and pattern of our next door neighbors, but we can not seem to find the time to notice our own personal patterns. Our personal development does not stop because we grow older. On the contrary, it should grow and expand as we become more wise. Continue reading