Every day the price of gas continues to skyrocket out of control, and analysts see no end in sight. While the cost of gas goes significantly higher, and the ability for most average individuals to afford gas becomes considerably harder, the big oil companies continue to profit, unaffected by the rising costs of gas and actually beating their own record numbers with absolutely no accountability. Politicians do not even seem to be lifting a finger to stop this obvious abuse of power.
Luckily, an alternative fuel method is slowly being distributed online that provides a way to run your car on water, allowing you to save thousands of dollars every year at the gas tank, as well as provide some relief for the polluted environment. These systems allow you car not only to run on gas, but also on standard H2O, like that you get from your sink. Your car will become more environmentally friendly and you will be saving so much money it will be as though the gas prices were back at 1.00 again.
This is quite possible one of the most explosive secrets that oil companies have carefully guarded for over twenty years. Why, you may be thinking? Plain and simply, an informed public would be very bad for the oil business! Fortunately, this cutting-edge technology has quickly grown in popularity due to its effectiveness and word of mouth buzz. Public awareness has elevated with the invent of the internet so it's much harder now to hide with information / knowledge at the tips of you fingers.
So, the real truth is (like mentioned above) the technology to make a car run on water is anything but new and was patented many years ago. Mechanical devices that use minute amounts of electricity from your automobile's battery to break apart water into HHO gas were created awhile ago. HHO (AKA Brown's gas or Hydroxy) is recognized by experts to burn very well and gives loads of energy.
And the best part about this HHO gas is that the end result is not more emissions. Rather, after the HHO gas has been used, the Hydrogen gas actually turns back into water. So you are doing your part to fight global warming as well as improve your car's gas mileage.
The oil companies have had no concern for the environment with regards to their oil production, just as they have had no concern for gas prices. But as people start to use water-power for their cars, the environment is going to improve just as much as your budget will.
The systems for producing HHO gas are so easy to build that anyone can do it, even without science or automobile knowledge. All you need is a few parts from a local hardware or automobile store, and you can create this engine supplement to run your car one water in as little as a few hours. All you need to do is follow the advice in one of the water car step by step guides, and within a few days you will be tripling your gas mileage, avoiding high gas prices, and helping to prevent pollution to the environment.
The way I see it is you can either be a victim like most Americans or you can be the victor when it comes to controlling your own gasoline costs. Should you choose the latter, your pocketbook will thank you and you can lead a normal life again, rather than worrying about whether or not you'll have enough money for groceries this week!