When buying a home, there are two stages in the home loan approval process.Stage 1 starts when a homebuyer submits a mortgage application to his loan officer for a pre-approval.
When pre-approval is requested, it will be a preliminary home mortgage approval indicating that the mortgage will likely be approved for a certain down payment and purchase price.
This preliminary approval will not matter once the application goes to review for the actual mortgage loan. Stage 1 ends when the "underwriter", not the loan officer becomes involved.
During the second phase of the approval process, a mortgage underwriter is reviewing income, assets, credit, job history, and other items, too; the underwriters job is to make sure that the buyer meets the bank's criteria for lending.
If the loan officer did his job in Stage 1, Stage 2 is just a formality. And most times, it all goes according to plan. Occasionally, though, a homebuyer sabotages his own mortgage approval by inadvertently changing his "risk profile". It doesn't happen on purpose, of course — it just happens.
So, consider this a quick primer of what not to do while you're between Stage 1 and the completion of Stage 2 of the home loan approval process. Following these pointers will help keep the risk profile consistent.
1. Don 't miss a payment to a creditor 2. Don't transfer large amounts of money in or out of your bank accounts (large may have different meanings to different people) 3. Don 't accept gift of cash without talking with your loan officer first (There are rules for gifts) 4. Don't buy a new car (or increase loan or lease payment) 5. Don 't quit your job or change career(don't switch to a "commission" job ) 6. Don 't open a new credit card (no matter the deal)
There may be some other "don'ts" but this is a good starter list. It may not be possible to avoid some errors. Talk to your loan officer if you have to break a "rule." You need to have professional guidance during this process because There are a lot of "snafus" possible during the process.