There are many companies that offer discount auto insurance on all types of car policies. You will automatically get a discount if you have never been in an accident or received a ticket in the last 3 to five years. You can also get additional discounts if you already have a different policy with that company as multiply policies are automatically discounted. Multi-vehicle policies also receive discounts and are great if you own more then one car.
There are some little known additional discounts that you can receive if you meet the qualifications. However most individuals don't know anything about these discounts so they don't even ask when choosing a policy. Individuals with a bachelor's degree in a scientific field or engineer can receive additional discounts as individuals in these fields have less risk. The 21st century group offers discounts of between 10 to 30 percent if you are a scientist or engineer.
Teachers and farmers are also considered to be low risk customers for auto insurance. Many auto insurance companies will offer an additional discount if you are an educator. This type of discount will vary depending on your certification and which state you teach in. You may need to be a full time college professor to qualify for the auto insurance discount but you should first check with your insurance company.
Geico offers a special military auto insurance discount for active and non-active members. A military member can save between 2 to 15 percents through Geico. Geico offers a special discount if you have a stored vehicle and are receiving hostile-fire pay. They also will drop your coverage to the minimum if you are sent over seas and put your vehicle in storage. Geico is very proud of supporting the military.
The older you are and the longer you are a patron with Hartford AARP auto insurance program will offer greater discounts. Those AARP members will receive larger discounts on multi-policies and multi-vehicle policies. If you have patronized the company for more then 5 years you will receive additional discounts.
By participating in an online course from the National Safety Council you can receive additional discounts from MetLife. The majority of thee courses are all taken from the defensive driving course and can substantially reduce your insurance. If you have a high premium due to tickets and accidents then participating in a defensive driving course can reduce your premium.
To get the most out of your car insurance you will have to delve deeper then the basic car insurance comparison quotes. You should have all of your questions ready and spend the time calling up the auto insurance companies and making sure you get answers. Some of the discounts are unknown but they are there and all you have to do is ask to see if it applied to your policy and circumstances.