To find funding for tubal reversal leaves the woman and her family wanting it searching high and low. As the surgery can be very costly and most of us don't have a few thousand or ten thousand lying around to be used for this, we have to find other means. So the financing becomes a major obstacle to getting her tubes untied.
As most women will not have the full amount required for the surgery in their bank account, this means coming up with another way to get the money for the doctor's fees, testing and whatever else is needed to carry out the procedure. Below we have included several different methods for finding the funding for tubal reversal.
Let's start our list with a special savings account just for your tubal reversal. I think it best to set up a separate one from your existing one. And make a rule that they only time anything is withdrawn from this account is to pay the surgeon. Come up with ways to start putting money into this account. What are you paying for that is just an extra that you can give up? Do it and put that money into your savings account instead. Take a good hard look at how you spend your money and you could be surprised to find that you are able to add $50, $100 or even $200 to your special account each month. After all, what's more important, getting that tubal reversal or going to Starbucks every day?
A variation or addition to the first method is to get a job. This could be a second job if you work now or a regular job if you don't work now. Take as much of this as you possibly can and add it to your savings. If you are making ends meet now without it, then you should be able to put most of it away into your special fund.
The next method of funding for tubal reversal is a payment plan. This will be set up with your surgeon, or more precisely his office. You will have to find out if this is available to you from your surgeon. If you choose world renown Dr. Gary S. Berger to do your surgery, you will find that this option is available. Simply contact his office to get further details on how this will work.
A good way to help either your savings account or your payment plan along is to add your income tax refund into it. This can be a nice big boost, depending upon the size of the refund. It could sure give you the incentive to keep carrying out your savings or payment plan.
When you begin thinking of funding for tubal reversal, the first thought is usually, "Will my health insurance pay for it?" This will vary from provider to provider and state to state. You can try reading through your insurance policy but may still not know the answer. Most often, insurance will not pay for it but some might pay for parts. Even calling your insurance company could get you the run around with one person saying yes and another saying no. If you do get a person on the other end of the phone saying yes then make darn sure you get that in writing before going in for surgery thinking it's all covered. Be sure.
You will find that most insurance companies will not cover it as it is considered an elective surgery. However, there are some possible, and I stress possible, ways around this. If the reason you are wanting the tubal reversal is for alleviation of symptoms of post tubal ligation syndrome, then getting you primary doctor to say that repairing your tubes is necessary might be one way to get insurance to pay for it, maybe even 100%. The other way that is possible to get some of the cost reimbursed is if there is a cap on your medical out-of-pocket expenses where the insurance company picks up the amount over the cap. You will have to check your own policy to see about this.
Another account you might find useful is your flexible spending account available through your job. These allow money to be taken from your paycheck before taxes, so you not only get the benefit of money piling up, it means you pay less taxes. You will have to find out the way your particular flex spending account works and sign up during your enrollment period if you aren't already in one.
Another such source from your work would be taking out a 401(k) or IRA to pay for the full cost. You will end up paying a penalty and that money won't be building your retirement so you will just have to decide what is most important to you. If it's for ptls relief, I know what I would choose.
The last method we will mention is simply using your credit card. You can ask if your surgeon will accept a credit card and hope he takes yours. You could get a cash advance. Some credit cards offer special deals on cash advances to get you to apply for their card. Others charge very high interest rates. Be sure to know what you are getting into there.
Although there may be other methods available for funding for tubal reversal, the above will give you a good start on things to consider. As I don't know your situation, I won't know what is right for you. Only you can decide. But be careful about getting in over your head.