BIGMAX compact cranes (TC series) have gained a sizable share of the North American small crane market over the past ten years. This success is due in part to high product quality, and an excellent warranty. It is also due to this crane market segment becoming more mature.
It is typical that not everyone is immediately interested in new machine or labor saving device until early adopters recognize its potential. It is not easy for a new product to quickly dominate a market in which people are familiar with common equipment doing things the traditional ways.
After the new product survives the initial introduction and begins to prove its worth, it triggers a number of market forces. Feedback from the field leads to its refinement. Demand for the product increases along with the number of models. New variations, often from competitive manufacturers, appear on the market. Over time, the once new product joins the mainstream and becomes part of the way of doing things.
BIGMAX cranes were introduced at a time when the small crane market was growing and expanding. Initially four models, the TC100, 130, 200 and 300 were offered to represent the most popular models on the market at that time. However, it quickly became apparent that more models were needed to fill in the gaps between the existing sizes, and, most of all there was a demand for a larger crane with more hydraulic reach. Three larger BIGMAX models were introduced within three years: the TC160, TC260 and the TC350.4. At the time the 350.4 had the longest hydraulic boom on the market.
With strong, light weight hexagonal boom construction, a TC Series truck crane can safely lift up to 5,300 pounds. TC Series cranes come in 7 models with hydraulic extensions of up to 19.5 feet. These cranes can be powered by either a power take-off pump or a battery operated power pack. Designed for low maintenance, these cranes use US standard hoses and hose ends making them easy to service and maintain.
While sales of the smaller crane models remains constant, the growth is currently in theTC300 and TC350 models with a growth of twelve percent during the past 12 months. Contributing to this growth is the increased OEM use of the larger models as robotic arms to which specialized attachments such as shotcreting guns and post drivers are fitted. The heavy duty oil bath rotation systems on BIGMAX cranes makes it particularly suitable for more severe applications of this type.