Poor presentation can ruin the first contact with a new associate or sales opportunity. A shirt pocket, purse or wallet may not be the most appropriate place to search when a customer or lead is waiting. Careless prior handling or a candy bar mixed in with your other belongings will ensure a stressful situation. A wonderful presentation is bound to turn in the other direction when with the edges torn or bent a handshake and apology accompany the damaged item. Business Card Holders help to reinforce first impressions while dispensing the contact information necessary to reach you again.
Regardless the industry or affiliation selections have been upgraded with new styles that are in addition to the standard type case that generally accompanied past orders. Exchange of contact information is important whether corporation, home based services or fraternal organization. Personal appearance can generate confidence or destroy credibility. Simple acts of exchange of information may not result in any further dialogue if not handled professionally.
Avoid being placed in an embarrassing light by having a case slip from a grasp or fall to the floor while trying to retrieve a card. New ergonomic designs provide for ease of use without the fumbling and stressful feel of trying to open or close a product that does not want to cooperate. Either a basic selection or one that enhances a certain individual marketing style is available.
Women and men have options for material to be used, color, design and any personalization that might be desired. A range of themes and colors are available to enhance the feminine touch that may be more personal than standard design selections offer. Functionality and intent are not sacrificed when individual creativity goes into the final product.
The sales force is now able to continue a product logo or company description with brass, chrome, pewter or stainless steel choices for engraving. In addition leather items can be embossed and style and script types present many options regardless the surface to be used.
Often a range of themes are available that reflect an industry or profession. From collegiate, religious, sports or medical professions to fraternal affiliations when displayed a statement is made about the owner before a card is retrieved.
Hard edge professional style or shades of pink that make a feminine statement are available in selections that range from stainless steel to floral arrangements. For the professional in negotiation who wishes to maintain a hard line or in a fraternal situation where family is emphasized the case expresses the personality of the owner.
The office need not be empty of a suitable greeting or method to be reached when a visitor or potential employee leaves the room. When reaching for a personal holder might be inappropriate or not tactful in an office meeting a desk product would be better suited. With free access by the visitor a level of interest is determined by whether they retrieve a card when leaving. As an advertising feature logo or other identification is showcased at the same time.