Day trading is a new trading technique done by some active penny stock investors these days. The basic idea is to gain profit on the very same day the investment is made. This should be done fast and with conscious accuracy. Some small cap investors do this day trading penny stock method in as little time possible. If there is such a policy on this method, one hour is a wait too long.
The new technique developed when there was a recent lowdown on the stock market. Brokerage firms started giving discounts to the stocks. As an effect, this new strategy was developed. It's scheming but it is acceptable since the procedure does not violate any rule. The day trading penny stock method is made in three stages:
1. Your Point of entry. Penny shares are pegged in at a cheap price. That's the usual start up for small cap investments. A company sells in their shares to a broker and investments are expected to come in. When they do, the shares start selling back at higher rates.
2. Your Stock Breaks – This is the point when your stocks start breaking down. If you are not vigilant and don't act fast you will lose more from your investment money. Technical softwares are being used to do the day trading penny stock monitoring of these stocks. It includes features that prompt you when your stocks start to plunge.
3. The Point Of Exit – When your stocks reach a break point, day traders position for an exit. This will effectively close the stock price. Normally, day traders safely chose a position point to close the trade when the stocks are at the closest exit price. If this is not done immediately, there will be more loss that will happen.
These steps, however, belong to just one method. There can be other specially developed ideas that haven't been readily accepted yet. The point of the entire day trading penny stock goal is to close the stock price the moment you hit your margin. By that it means that when you start selling the shares, set a personal profit margin on your own. Then observe your investment. Close your position when you get your mark.
There are also some day traders who would somewhat make a compromise on his or her potential earnings by percentage. To further explain, supposing the day trading penny stock starting price is fifty cents per share with a minimum share stock of 1,000. The total buying price for that would be $500. When your share's price goes up to say $1.50 that means you're already in good hands. Then suddenly it starts to go down and at that moment, your share is at 90 cents per share. To stop your potential loss, you set an exit position closing the sale.