From not paying a single dime in attorney fees to getting complimentary legal counsel, there are a lot of perks that consumers can obtain in this day and age. While it's likely only to be available in cities rather than rural areas, consumers everywhere should look for several special services attorneys are now offering.
Without a doubt, the most popular service to date is the "no win no fee" service that attorneys are offering. Usually this is offered on specific types of cases. If the client doesn't win the case, the attorney doesn't demand a fee for compensation. If the client does win the case, different attorneys have different rules on how compensation will be negotiated afterwards.
Some attorneys are going as far as offering a service that allows clients to receive 100% of the compensation if their claim isn't enough to pay for the costs of an incident. For example, a claim may only give a client a fraction of the amount it takes to pay a medical bill. In that case, the attorney at law will forfeit the fee usually required in order to allow the client to pay his or her bills.
A new type of service is targeting businesses and debt recovery services, with the world economy in an extra complicated credit fiasco. Attorneys are now shifting their target clients to businesses, by offering debt recovery services that get to the bottom of problems businesses have in collecting debt from debtors. Of course, this is a possibility for the average consumer as well, depending on the situation.
Other attorneys are jumping on the technology bandwagon, and allowing for even better ways to contact an attorney directly or indirectly though methods such as mobile phone texting. This is of course in addition to the email, regular mail, and phone contact options that most offer. Several "call me back" plans are also starting to debut, conforming to a busier lifestyle of the average consumer.
Perhaps best of all, nearly all attorneys are able to allow for free legal advice over the phone or with an office visit. This isn't the case for all attorneys, but the average consumer will likely be able to enjoy this benefit. Indeed, it should almost be expected unless the attorney in question only caters to high-label clients. It's just another incentive to give an attorney a call when in trouble!
In Conclusion
When trouble arises and law needs to be handled, consumers should find an attorney as quick as possible. But don't decide on an attorney in haste, instead try to find one that offers more than the average attorney; such as one that allows for the extra services previously described.