Making New Year's Resolutions is a grand tradition that illustrates the desire of people in our society to get better each year. But many resolutions are short lived as we return to our settled ways after a number of weak attempts to change. This year can be different, though, if we make concrete goals that help us save money as we achieve them. Here are some areas to focus on.
1. If you are a smoker make this coming year, in January in fact, the time to quit smoking forever. Search for, find, and print out pictures of diseased lungs, throats, etc., and tape them to your mirror because that's you or will be. Sit down and calculate the direct cost of smoking and see how much you will save per year of not smoking. If smoking costs you $30 a week, that's $1500 a year. If you expect to live another 30 years, that's $45,000 you would have saved, not including the compound growth if you saved or invested that money each year. You'll also have fewer sicknesses and medical bills. You can do it!
2. If you are overweight and want to lose pounds and inches, resolve to do it this year. And do it in ways that will save you money, not cost you money. First, resolve to eliminate packaged snacks and desserts, except for special celebrations. Those are costly luxuries that are unhealthful as well as fattening. Use fruits and vegetables as snacks instead. If you drink alcohol take a year off from consuming it. Or at least have several alcohol-free days a week. Cutting back on sweets and alcohol will save you real money over the course of a year.
3. Next, begin an exercise program, even if it's just walking around the block or in a mall. See the Resources section for the article on Save Money by Getting Fit and Losing Weight. It includes great resources of its own on physical activity, nutrition and weight management. Resolve to develop and follow an aerobic exercise plan at least. But get your doctor's approval first. Regular exercise three to five times a week will save you medical expenses down the road.
4. Resolve to walk everywhere that is safe instead of driving to every errand. This will save you fuel and increase your physical activity.
5. Resolve to car pool to work, at least three days a week. Share expenses and save on fuel. That should be doable for many people. Car pool with a friend when you go shopping, too. More money saved.
6. Resolve to examine every way possible to save money in the home, and do it starting in January. See the Resources section for articles with specific ideas for saving money in areas of the home.
7. If you don't smoke and are not overweight you still have four resolutions above that will save you money, and probably save you hundreds of dollars per year. Be sure to visit the other articles in the Resources section which will help you accomplish these goals.