Is it possible to build a house in one day? Can your obtain a college degree overnight? Definitely not! It is the same with bad credit – it just cannot be rectified within 24 hours. It takes some time to repair credit that has an unflattering history, despite what those advertisements would have you believe. This article will provide you with some common sense tips on how to increase your credit score as quickly as practicable (but not overnight!).
The two items of information that potential lenders will definitely check prior to offering you a car loan or mortgage are your credit report and your FICO score. The credit report is a compilation of your credit history with any number of financial institutions. Did you miss a payment on the car loan some years ago? That will be included as will late payments on an electricity bill. From this sort of information, the three major credit bureaus will generate a score, sometimes known as a FICO score. A score below 700 will see you having to pay higher interest rates and if it is too low, you may find it difficult to even obtain approval for a loan from the traditional, "safe" lenders.
Repairing a bad credit rating therefore takes time. You can begin by requesting a free copy of your credit report: if you visit you will be able to obtain it online, once a year, free of charge. You can even arrange online for inaccurate information to be removed by completing a form on the same site.
You should make an effort to lower your debt to credit ratio. This is what you owe in comparison to your credit limit. You can do this by paying down the balances on credit cards. It may also be beneficial to open up a new line of credit; just don't use it too much. If it is not feasible for you to obtain a "traditional" source of credit, consider a sub-prime merchandise card; one that reports to the credit bureaus.
If you are truly in a lot of debt with your credit card, you may be able to negotiate with the credit providers to lower your liability. It is surprising what a phone call can do.
So, you have been incredibly good and you have worked very hard for some weeks in an effort to repair your credit. You have employed effective steps on how to increase your credit access. Will there be any change on your credit report? Unfortunately, not at this stage. The information that the credit bureaus receive from the credit providers also takes time to filter through and the credit bureaus usually will weight the reports from the last 12 to 18 months in order to generate your credit rating. Be patient – you will have to wait to be rid of the bad credit rating.
It should be obvious now that it simply is not possible to fix all of this in 24 hours. The expert opinion is that it can take from between 3 to 12 months to achieve. We all know that good things are worth the wait.