What is Behind the Debt Shield Program?

by Alia Jae

If you are trapped by debt and would like a friendly company to help you, you should look into the Debt Sheild Program. What I love about the Debt Sheild Program is that they will work with you one on one.

They will look at all your unsecured debt and then figure out how much they are able to reduce your debt. There are some cases where they can reduce your debt up to 60%!

The Debt Sheild Program will help to keep you from bankruptcy. If you go bankrupt the creditors don't get a penny from you and that's why they don't mind you using this method.

If you are interested in this program you can go to their website and sign up for a free consultation. Usually someone will call you back the very same day to help you out. There is no commitment required for you free consultation.

If you decide to go with them they will handle ALL of your debt accounts. They gather all the information on each account and even check up on your credit report. They take all this information and call you creditors to take of business.

Many times the creditors will do you a favor and lower your interest rates. One thing that the Debt Sheild Program will ask is for them to relieve any late fees or just reduce the overall debt.

Keep in mind that they are not a consolidation company so they don't give out loans. They are not a consumer credit counseling company. They will not give you a loan to help you pay off your creditors. They are also not a credit repair company.

In order to qualify for this program you must be at least $10,000.00 in unsecured debt. If you are in a situation where you are falling behind in your payments this is a great program for you.

If you are considering filling for bankruptcy then hold on one minute and don't even think about filing for bankruptcy. With this company they will save you from having to even go the route.

There website is full of inofrmation, so if this sounds good to you go visit and get some help.

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